Norwegian version
Astrid Karina Harring

Astrid Karina Harring


Astrid is an assistant professor and PhD candidate, and head of subject PMED3000 at the B.Sc. in Paramedicine. Astrid has primarily quantitative research experience and have conducted studies in out of hospital cardiac arrest, students’ wellbeing, job satisfaction in clinical placement, StudentBEST: interdisciplinary team training, gamification- and digital simulation. Her PhD-fellowship regards frequent callers to the medical emergency number.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Neurology   Other health sciences

Subject areas

Simulation   Emergency Medicine   Ambulance services   Cardiac arrest   Emergency medical dispatch   Paramedic

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Scientific publications

Harring, Astrid Karina ; Græsli, Ola ; Häikiö, Kristin ; Hjortdahl, Magnus ; Jørgensen, Trine Møgster (2024). Frequent contacts to Emergency Medical Services (EMS): more than frequent callers. BMC Emergency Medicine. Vol. 24.

Harring, Astrid Karina V. ; Idland, Siri ; Dugstad, Janne H (2024). When do medical operators choose to use, or not use, video in emergency calls? A case study. BMJ Open Quality. Vol. 13.

Emma, Christensen; Bugge, Helge Fagerheim; Hagemo, Jostein Skjalg; Larsen, Karianne; Harring, Astrid Karina V. ; Gleditsch, Jostein; Ibsen, Jørgen; Guterud, Mona; Sandset, Else Charlotte; Hov, Maren Ranhoff (2024). Prehospital stroke diagnostics using three different simulation methods: A pragmatic pilot study. European Stroke Journal.

Kjærvoll, Hege Kristin; Andersson, Lars-Jøran; Bakkelund, Karin Elvenes; Harring, Astrid Karina V. ; Tjelmeland, Ingvild Beathe Myrhaugen (2023). Description of the prehospital emergency healthcare system in Norway. Resuscitation Plus. Vol. 17.

Harring, Astrid Karina V. ; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Tjelmeland, Ingvild Beathe Myrhaugen (2023). Resuscitation of older adults in Norway; a comparison of survival and outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in healthcare institutions and at home. Resuscitation. Vol. 189.

Harring, Astrid Karina V. ; Røislien, Jo; Larsen, Karianne; Guterud, Mona; Bugge, Helge Fagerheim; Sandset, Else Charlotte; Kristensen, Dorte Vesterager; Hov, Maren Ranhoff (2023). Gamification of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) for simulation training—a feasibility study. Advances in Simulation. Vol. 8.

Häikiö, Kristin ; Harring, Astrid Karina V. ; Kveen, Rune ; Rand, Kim; Jørgensen, Trine Møgster (2023). Reduced quality of life, more technical challenges, and less study motivation among paramedic students after one year of the COVID-19 pandemic - a survey study. 9 p. BMC Medical Education. Vol. 23.

Harring, Astrid Karina ; Tjelmeland, Ingvild Beathe Myrhaugen; Andenæs, Randi ; Kramer-Johansen, Jo (2022). Blir beslutninger om behandlingsbegrensninger respektert utenfor sykehus når man har ringt 113?. 13 p. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning. Vol. 8.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete