Norwegian version
Berit Mortensen

Berit Mortensen


Berit Mortensen has been a faculty employee at OsloMet’s Master program in Midwifery since 2019. She finalized her PhD in 2020 at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, with the dissertation Making Midwifery Matter, Introduction of a Midwife-led Continuity Model of Care in occupied Palestine, based on three quantitative studies. The project was financed by the Research Council of Norway. Mortensen was educated as a midwife in Oslo in 1992 and has since worked clinically in Oslo, Helgeland and Palestine with both antenatal-, labor- and postnatal care. She has worked with international solidarity and health projects in Palestine and Lebanon since 1987, both as a nurse, midwife and project manager for the organization Norwegian Aid Committee (NORWAC). In collaboration with Palestinian midwives, she developed and implemented a locally adapted midwife-led continuity model of care serving rural women in the Israeli-occupied West Bank between 20026 and 2017. She completed her master's degree in practical knowledge at Nord University in Bodø in 2011. The title of her master's thesis was: To be Veiled or not to be, what unites is the question? Experiences from a continuity of midwifery care model in occupied Palestine and Norway, utilizing a qualitative phenomenological-hermeneutic approach.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Midical sciences

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Scientific publications

Hassan, Sahar; Masri, Hadeel; Sawalha, Israa'; Mortensen, Berit (2024). Perceived barriers and opportunities of providing quality family planning services among Palestinian midwives, physicians and nurses in the West Bank: a qualitative study. 12 p. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 24.

Bekkhus, Mona ; Oftedal, Aurora; Haugen, Guttorm Nils; Mortensen, Berit ; Kaasen, Anne (2024). Acute symptoms of depression and traumatic stress in men and women who terminate pregnancy after detection of fetal anomaly: A prospective observational study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Symon, Andrew; Mortensen, Berit ; Pripp, Are Hugo ; Chhugani, Manju; Adjorlolo, Samuel; Badzi, Caroline; Kharb, Renu; Prussing, Elysse; McFadden, Alison; Gray, Nicola M.; Cummins, Allison (2024). Validating the Quality Maternal and Newborn Care Framework Index: A Global Tool for Quality-of-Care Evaluations. Birth.

Henriksen, Lena ; Kisa, Sezer ; Lukasse, Mirjam ; Flaathen, Eva Marie ; Mortensen, Berit ; Karlsen, Elisabeth ; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa (2021). Cultural Sensitivity in Interventions Aiming to Reduce or Prevent Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy: A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.

Mortensen, Berit ; Diep, Lien My; Lukasse, Mirjam ; Lieng, Marit; Dwekat, Ibtesam; Elias, Dalia; Fosse, Erik (2019). Women's satisfaction with midwife-led continuity of care: An observational study in Palestine. BMJ Open. Vol. 9.

Mortensen, Berit ; Lieng, Marit; Diep, Lien My; Lukasse, Mirjam ; Atieh, Kefaya; Fosse, Erik (2019). Improving Maternal and Neonatal Health by a Midwife-led Continuity Model of Care ? An Observational Study in One Governmental Hospital in Palestine. EClinicalMedicine. Vol. 10.

Mortensen, Berit ; Lukasse, Mirjam ; Diep, Lien My; Lieng, Marit; Abu-Awad, Amal; Suleiman, Munjid; Fosse, Erik (2018). Can a midwife-led continuity model improve maternal services in a low-resource setting? A non-randomised cluster intervention study in Palestine. 10 p. BMJ Open. Vol. 8.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete