Norwegian version
Berit Sæteren

Berit Sæteren

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Nursing science   Health sciences

Research groups

Scientific publications

Rehnsfeldt, Arne Wilhelm; Slettebø, Åshild; Lohne, Vibeke ; Sæteren, Berit ; Lindwall, Lillemor; Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo ; Råholm, Maj-Britt; Høy, Bente; Caspari, Synnøve ; Nåden, Dagfinn (2022). Dignity in relationships and existence in nursing homes’ cultures. Nursing Ethics. Vol. 29.

Storaker, Anne ; Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo ; Sæteren, Berit (2022). Ethical challenges and lack of ethical language in nurse leadership. Nursing Ethics. Vol. 29.

Ihler, Elise Marie; Sæteren, Berit (2019). Sykepleieres erfaringer med å bruke ESAS til å kartlegge symptomer hos kreftpasienter. 12 p. Sykepleien Forskning.

Bruun Lorentsen, Vibeke; Nåden, Dagfinn ; Sæteren, Berit (2019). Understanding the Meaning of the Ambiguous Body - A Hermeneutic Concept Analysis of Flesh and Fleshly. International Journal of Caring Sciences (IJCS). Vol. 12.

Bruun Lorentsen, Vibeke; Nåden, Dagfinn ; Sæteren, Berit (2019). The meaning of dignity when the patients' bodies are falling apart. Nursing Open. Vol. 6.

Bruun Lorentsen, Vibeke; Nåden, Dagfinn ; Sæteren, Berit (2019). The paradoxical body: A glimpse of a deeper truth through relatives' stories. 12 p. Nursing Ethics. Vol. 26.

Caspari, Synnøve ; Råholm, Maj-Britt; Sæteren, Berit ; Rehnsfeldt, Arne Wilhelm; Lillestø, Britt; Lohne, Vibeke ; Slettebø, Åshild; Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo ; Høy, Bente; Lindwall, Lillemor; Nåden, Dagfinn (2018). Tension between freedom and dependence- A Challenge for residents who live in nursing homes. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). Vol. 27.

Lindwall, Lillemor; Råholm, Maj-Britt; Lohne, Vibeke ; Caspari, Synnøve ; Heggestad, Anne Kari Tolo ; Sæteren, Berit ; Slettebø, Åshild; Høy, Bente; Nåden, Dagfinn (2018). Clinical Application Research through reflection, interpretation and new understanding - a hermeneutic design. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Vol. 32.

Nåden, Dagfinn ; Foss, Berit; Sæteren, Berit (2018). Omsorgens betydning og uttrykk i en klassisk tekst. 12 p. Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning. Vol. 4.

Clark, Connie Lynn; Glavin, Kari ; Missal, Bernita Eileen; Sæteren, Berit (2018). Is there a common experience? Somali new mothers' childbirth experiences in Norway and the United States. Public Health Nursing. Vol. 35.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete