Norwegian version
Dragana Surkalovic

Dragana Surkalovic


Dragana Surkalovic is an associate professor of English at the Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education at OsloMet - Metropolitan University. Her professional interests include English linguistics and subject didactics, multilingualism, research literacy, and the use of AI for communication and language learning.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

English language

Subject areas

Analysis of the curriculum   Multilingualism   Foreign Language Methodology   English language   Teaching English as a Foreign Language   Key Skills in Englsih   Language policy   Early Years Education   Utdanning   Multilingualism in education

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Flognfeldt, Mona Evelyn ; Tsagari, Dina ; Surkalovic, Dragana ; Tishakov, Therese Marie (2020). The Practice of Assessing Norwegian and English Language Proficiency in Multilingual Elementary School Classrooms in Norway. Language Assessment Quarterly.

Angelovska, Tanja; Krulatz, Anna; Surkalovic, Dragana (2020). Predicting efl teacher candidates’ preparedness to work with multilingual learners: Snapshots from three european universities. 25 p. The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL. Vol. 9.

Surkalovic, Dragana (2014). Forbereder grunnskolelærerutdanningen engelsklærere for undervisning i engelsk som tredjespråk i Norge?. 17 p. Acta Didactica Norge. Vol. 8.

Surkalovic, Dragana (2013). Modularity, Phase-Phase Faithfulness and prosodification of function words in English. Nordlyd. Vol. 40.

Surkalovic, Dragana (2011). Modularity, Linearization and Phase-Phase Faithfulness in Kayardild. Iberia: An International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics. Vol. 3.

Surkalovic, Dragana (2011). Lexical and functional decomposition in syntax: A view from phonology. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics (PSiCL). Vol. 47.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete