Norwegian version
Idunn Bøyum

Idunn Bøyum


Before I started at OsloMet (formerly Hioa) in 2013, I had worked as a librarian for 25 years. Over the years, I worked in various academic and research libraries, primarily focusing on management, library development, teaching, and guidance. Currently, I teach BIB3500 Organizational Development, Management, and Marketing, as well as BIB1530 Communication and Learning. I supervise both bachelor's and master's theses. My research work is largely related to information practices, library guidance services, information literacy, and topics related to school libraries.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social sciences   Library and information science

Subject areas

Guidance   Information competency   Information management   School library   Academic and research library   Reference services

Research projects

Scientific publications

Bøyum, Idunn ; Tveit, Åse Kristine (2023). Rom for lesing og utforsking:Skolebibliotekets muligheter. ISBN: 9788293298236. 343 p. ABM-media AS.

Bøyum, Idunn (2023). Which Formal and Informal Structures Constrain and Enable Collaboration Between School Librarians and Teachers?. IASL Conference Proceedings.

Bøyum, Idunn (2023). Finne, bruke og vurdere informasjon til skolearbeidet. Bøyum, Idunn; Tveit, Åse Kristine (Ed.). Rom for lesing og utforsking:Skolebibliotekets muligheter. p. 287-315. ABM-media AS.

Bøyum, Idunn (2023). Samarbeid mellom skolebibliotekar og lærer: formelt eller uformelt?. Bøyum, Idunn; Tveit, Åse Kristine (Ed.). Rom for lesing og utforsking:Skolebibliotekets muligheter. p. 99-125. ABM-media AS.

Evjen, Sunniva ; Colbjørnsen, Terje ; Bøyum, Idunn ; Tallerås, Kim ; Olsen, Heidi Kristin (2021). Samfunnsoppdrag under press Erfaringer og vurderinger i norske bibliotek under Covid-19. Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies. Vol. 2.

Bøyum, Idunn ; Byström, Katriina ; Pharo, Nils (2021). Is the reference desk used for reference interviews. Reference Services Review. Vol. 49.

Bøyum, Idunn ; Byström, Katriina (2020). Bibliotekaren som rettleiar: Kompetanseutvikling og erfaringsdeling i eit akademisk bibliotek. Evjen, Sunniva; Olsen, Heidi Kristin; Tveit, Åse Kristine (Ed.). Rød mix: Ragnar Audunson som forsker og nettverksbygger. p. 121-143. ABM-media AS.

Bøyum, Idunn ; Gullbekk, Eystein; Byström, Katriina (2017). «Et helt nytt ‘mindset’»? : Informasjonskompetanse og tverrfaglighet i bibliotekenes undervisningsoppdrag. Anderson, Astrid; Fagerlid, Cicilie; Larsen, Håkon; Straume, Ingerid (Ed.). Det åpne bibliotek: Forskningsbibliotek i endring. p. 121-146. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Gullbekk, Eystein; Bøyum, Idunn ; Byström, Katriina (2015). Interdisciplinarity and information literacy: Librarians' competencies in emerging settings of higher education. 4 p. Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting. Vol. 52.

Bøyum, Idunn ; Dahl, Tor Arne ; Pharo, Nils (2015). Bibliotekarer blir ved sin lest. Audunson, Ragnar Andreas (Ed.). Samle, formidle, dele: 75 år med bibliotekarutdanning. p. 91-106. ABM-media AS.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete