I teach and supervise at the bachelor's and master's levels in Early Childhood Education teacher training at OsloMet. My research interests are linked to cultural diversity and multilingualism driven by a desire to prevent alienation and to contribute to social justice.
In previous work, I have looked more closely at the significance of the aesthetic dimensions in linguistic interaction when children and the staff in ECEC do not yet share a common spoken language. I want to contribute research that creates connections between aesthetics and multilingualism. I have experience with aesthetics-based and action research-inspired methods. Since 2021, I have been the leader of a Scandinavian research network for multilingualism, aesthetics, and diversity (FEM).
I am currently working on multilingualism as a resource in higher education and investigating how teachers can facilitate broader use of different languages and forms of expression in which to articulate subject knowledge.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Humanities General education Arts and crafts, handicrafts Education Ethics Music education Theatre studies
Subject areas
Child in preschool/nursery school Multilingualism Aesthetics Early Childhood Education Arts-based action research Translanguaging
Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Magnusson, Lena O;
Ilje-Lien, Johanne
; Kaihovirtha, Hannah
Polyfona röster för framtiden:A/r/tografens sammatrasslade tillblivelser.
Nordic Journal of Art & Research (A & R).
Bustos, Marcela Montserrat Fonseca
Ilje-Lien, Johanne
Rethinking "ryddetid" as democratic practices in early childhood institutions.
Myers, Casey Y; Smith, Kylie; Hostler, Rochelle; Tesar, Marek (Ed.).
Reframing the Everyday in Early Childhood Pedagogy.
Ilje-Lien, Johanne (2023). Att lyssna efter vita skygglappar. Andersen, Camilla Eline; Aronsson, Lena; Taguchi, Hillevi Lenz (Ed.). p. 203-215. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
Ilje-Lien, Johanne
Barndom som kilde til motstandsdyktighet.
Thuen, Harald; Myklestad, Synnøve; Vik, Stine (Ed.).
Pedagogikkens idé og oppdrag. p. 42-55.
Ilje-Lien, Johanne
«Det der er ikke representativt for en barnehagehverdag» – en utforsking av forskeren som konstruktør av «utopiske» undersøkelsessituasjoner.
Forskning og Forandring.
Vol. 3.
Ilje-Lien, Johanne
Å få øye på det tause som blir "sagt": en estetisk tilnærming til barns uartikulerte perspektiver.
Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk.
Vol. 5.
Ilje-Lien, Johanne
Se hun snakker! En undersøkelse av estetiske og kroppslige måter å snakke sammen på.
NOA - Norsk som andrespråk.
Vol. 33.
Ilje-Lien, Johanne (2016). Et nødvendig fremtredelsesrom for kroppslige møter. Gulpinar, Tona; Hernes, Leif; Winger, Nina (Ed.). Blikk fra barnehagen. p. 219-229. Fagbokforlaget.