Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Midical sciences Computer technology Clinical medical sciences
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
Artificial intelligence - a novel tool in assisted reproduction technology
The project aims to improve the methods for selecting sperm and embryos and increase the chance of pregnancy and live-born children.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Iliceto, Mario;
Andersen, Jorunn Marie
; Stensen, Mette Haug;
Haugen, Trine B.
Witczak, Oliwia
Association of Endogenous Seminal L-Carnitine Levels with Post-Thaw Semen Parameters in Humans.
Vol. 2024.
Thambawita, Vajira L B; Hicks, Steven; Storås, Andrea; Nguyen, Thu;
Andersen, Jorunn Marie
Witczak, Oliwia
Haugen, Trine B.
Hammer, Hugo Lewi
Halvorsen, Pål
Riegler, Michael Alexander
VISEM-Tracking, a human spermatozoa tracking dataset.
Scientific Data.
Berg, Arild Skarsfjord
Johansen, Safora
Lund, Anne
Riegler, Michael
Andersen, Jorunn Marie
A Salutogenic Approach for Collaboration in Health and Technology.
Garg, Bishan Swarup (Ed.).
Health Promotion - Principles and Approaches.
Haugen, Trine B.
Witczak, Oliwia
; Hicks, Steven; Björndahl, Lars;
Andersen, Jorunn Marie
Riegler, Michael
Sperm motility assessed by deep convolutional neural networks into WHO categories.
Scientific Reports.
Vol. 13.
Iliceto, Mario; Stensen, Mette Haug;
Andersen, Jorunn Marie
Haugen, Trine B.
Witczak, Oliwia
Levels of L-carnitine in human seminal plasma are associated with sperm fatty acid composition.
6 p.
Asian Journal of Andrology (AJA).
Vol. 24.
Riegler, Michael Alexander
; Stensen, Mette Haug;
Witczak, Oliwia
Andersen, Jorunn Marie
; Hicks, Steven;
Hammer, Hugo Lewi
Delbarre, Erwan
Halvorsen, Pål
Yazidi, Anis
; Holst, Nicolai;
Haugen, Trine B.
Artificial intelligence in the fertility clinic: status, pitfalls and possibilities.
Human Reproduction.
Vol. 36.
Vedal, Kristine; Svendsen, Victoria Haugen; Hansen, Ingeborg; Andersen, Jorunn Marie (2021). Desentralisering av blodprøvetaking - økt opplæringsbehov i sykepleierstudiet?. Bioingeniøren. Vol. 56.
Hicks, Steven; Lasantha Bandara Thambawita, Vajira;
Hammer, Hugo Lewi
Haugen, Trine B.
Andersen, Jorunn Marie
Witczak, Oliwia
Halvorsen, Pål
Riegler, Michael
ACM Multimedia BioMedia 2020 Grand Challenge Overview.
Qi, Guo-Jun; Ricci, Elisa; Zhang, Zhengyou; Zimmermann, Roger (Ed.).
MM '20: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. p. 4655-4658.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Hicks, Steven; Halvorsen, Pål ; Haugen, Trine B. ; Andersen, Jorunn Marie ; Witczak, Oliwia ; Hammer, Hugo Lewi ; Nguyen, Duc Tien Dang; Lux, Mathias; Riegler, Michael (2019). Medico multimedia task at mediaeval 2019. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol. 2670.
Hicks, Steven; Halvorsen, Pål ; Haugen, Trine B. ; Andersen, Jorunn Marie ; Witczak, Oliwia ; Hammer, Hugo Lewi ; Nguyen, Duc Tien Dang; Lux, Mathias; Riegler, Michael (2019). Predicting sperm motility and morphology using deep learning and handcrafted features. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol. 2670.