Norwegian version
Arild Berg

Arild Berg


Arild Berg is Professor in Artistic Research in the field design, applied art and art. His expertise is in product design, architectural ceramics, methods for participation and communication through the aesthetics of materiality. He has a Doctor of Art in Artistic research in Public Space, and he has a MA in Ceramic Art. He is a member of the research groups Design, Culture and Sustainability, Art in Society and the Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN). He has been Head of studies for the Bachelor Program in Product Design. He focuses on research collaboration between professional practitioners for cross disciplinary innovation. He has been Vice Dean for Research and Development at the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, including the departments: Department of Mechanical, Electronic and Chemical Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering and Energy Technology, Department of Computer Science, Department of Art, Design and Drama and Department of Product Design. He was project leader in establishing the interdisciplinary PhD Program 'Engineering Science'. He is the Norwegian coordinator for the Creative Europe project Craft Hub, led by Irish Carlow Craft Council. Arild Berg is also Professor II at Dpt. of Art, Faculty of Education, Arts and Sports, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Architecture and design   Humanities   Other subjects within cultural studies   Art history   Cultural studies   Methodology of project and industrial design   Theory of architecture and design   Sociology   Technology   Social sciences   Industrial and product design   Arts and crafts, handicrafts   Nursing science   Geriatrics

Subject areas

Action research   Collaboration across the curriculum   User participation   Contemporary art   Art in public space   Art   Artistic research   Architectural ceramics   Technology of health

Scientific publications

Risnes, Martha; Mellema, Mirjam; Gjøvaag, Terje ; Mirtaheri, Peyman ; Berg, Arild (2024). The Influence of User-Oriented Design Research on Framing A Case Study of Including Patient Perspectives in Biomedical Engineering. FormAkademisk - Forskningstidsskriftet for design og designdidaktikk. Vol. 17.

Risnes, Martha; Thorstensen, Erik ; Mirtaheri, Peyman ; Berg, Arild Skarsfjord (2024). Exploring value dilemmas of brain monitoring technology through speculative design scenarios. 11 p. Journal of Responsible Technology. Vol. 17.

Berg, Arild Skarsfjord ; Johansen, Safora ; Lund, Anne ; Riegler, Michael ; Andersen, Jorunn Marie (2023). A Salutogenic Approach for Collaboration in Health and Technology. Garg, Bishan Swarup (Ed.). Health Promotion - Principles and Approaches. IntechOpen.

Berg, Arild (2023). The University as a Vitrine. Turpeinen, Outi (Ed.). Unfolding the Public Art at Aalto University. p. 124-135. Helsinki: Aalto University.

Risnes, Martha; Korostynska, Olga ; Mirtaheri, Peyman ; Berg, Arild (2023). The role of human experience when making sense of brain monitoring: an interdisciplinary case study to assess wearable, non-invasive, brain-monitoring devices for rehabilitation. 20 p. Journal of Responsible Innovation. Vol. 10.

Berg, Arild ; Hoel, Mona Johanne; Kielland, Elise; Lothe, Linda Jansson; Swang, Mimi (2022). Dogma Film and Ceramic art: The Case of ‘Blue Collar – White Collar’. 35 p. Nordic Journal of Art and Research (A & R). Vol. 11.

Berg, Arild ; Carella, Alfredo Raúl; Lysebo, Marius ; Nielsen, Liv Merete (2021). Sustainability in professional education Gap between strategy and program plans?. FormAkademisk - Forskningstidsskriftet for design og designdidaktikk. Vol. 14.

Berg, Arild ; Jacobsen, Nina Olkowska (2021). A Tool for Promoting Intrinsic Motivation in Teams: A Case Study of Participants’ Motivation During a Design Project. Grierson, Hilary; von Bohemia, Erik; Buck, Lyndon (Ed.). DS 110: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE 2021), VIA Design, VIA University in Herning, Denmark. 9th -10th September 2021. The Design Society.

Berg, Arild ; Carella, Alfredo Raúl; Lysebo, Marius ; Nielsen, Liv Merete (2021). Bærekraft i profesjonsutdanninger. Gap mellom strategi og programplaner?. FormAkademisk - Forskningstidsskriftet for design og designdidaktikk. Vol. 14.

Pavel, Nenad ; Medola, Fausto Orsl; Berg, Arild ; Brevik, Birger (2020). Multistable Technologies and Pedagogy for Resilience: A Postphenomenological Case Study of Learning by 3D printing. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal. Vol. 25.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete