Special needs education, kindergarten teachers' practices, stuttering, quality of life in kindergarten children, quantitative and qualitative research
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Sjøstrand, Åse; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård; Melle, Ane Hestmann; Hoff, Karoline; Hansen, Elisabeth Holm;
Guttormsen, Linn Stokke
Treatment for Stuttering in Preschool-Age Children: A Qualitative Document Analysis of Treatment Programs.
21 p.
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research.
Vol. 67.
Kirmess, Melanie;
Guttormsen, Linn Stokke
; Hofslundsengen, Hilde Christine; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård; Kefalianos, Elaina
Norwegian speech-language pathologists treatment practices for preschool children who stutter: An explorative study.
11 p.
Journal of Fluency Disorders.
Vol. 77.
Kefalianos, Elaina;
Guttormsen, Linn Stokke
; Hansen, Elisabeth Holm; Hofslundsengen, Hilde Christine; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård; Antypas, Konstantinos; Kirmess, Melanie
Early Childhood Professionals' Management of Young Children Who Stutter: A Cross-Sectional Study.
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Vol. 31.
Sjøstrand, Åse; Kefalianos, Elaina; Hofslundsengen, Hilde Christine;
Guttormsen, Linn Stokke
; Kirmess, Melanie; Lervåg, Arne; Hulme, Charles; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård
Non-pharmacological interventions for stuttering in children six years and younger.
62 p.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
Vol. 2021.
Hofslundsengen, Hilde Christine; Kirmess, Melanie;
Guttormsen, Linn Stokke
; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård; Kefalianos, Elaina
Systematic review of implementation quality of non-pharmacological stuttering intervention trials for children and adolescents.
Journal of Fluency Disorders.
Vol. 71.
Haraldseid, Ingrid T; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård;
Guttormsen, Linn Stokke
; Hokstad, Silje
Stamming forekommer hyppig hos barn med Down syndrom: Resultater fra en landsomfattende empirisk studie.
Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi.
Guttormsen, Linn Stokke
; Yaruss, Scott; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård
Parents' Perceptions of the Overall Impact of Stuttering on Young Children.
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Vol. 30.
Hansen, Elisabeth Holm; Sandvik, Berit Margrethe; Teige, Anne-May; Antypas, Konstantinos;
Guttormsen, Linn Stokke
; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård
Tidlig identifisering av barn som stammer- en spørreundersøkelse av helsesykepleieres vurderinger.
Sykepleien Forskning.
Vol. 16.
Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård; Guttormsen, Linn Stokke ; Hofslundsengen, Hilde Christine (2021). Barnehagelærers praksis med barn som stammer. Bøyum, Sigrid; Hofslundsengen, Hilde Christine (Ed.). Barnehagelærerrollen. Mangfold, mestring og likeverd. p. 49-67. Universitetsforlaget.
Guttormsen, Linn Stokke
; Yaruss, J Scott; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegård
Caregivers’ Perceptions of Stuttering Impact in Young Children: Agreement in Mothers’, Fathers’ and Teachers’ Ratings.
Journal of Communication Disorders.
Vol. 86.