Norwegian version
Mona Elisabeth Meyer

Mona Elisabeth Meyer


Social anthropology undergraduate subject, University of Oslo (1981-1982)
Cand. med. (University of Oslo), 1988
Assistant doctor Molde hospital and Midsund municipality (1989-1991)
Municipal doctor in Skedsmo municipality (1991 - 2005), where I worked as a nursing home doctor, health center doctor and school doctor.
Assistant professor at Akershus University College from 1998.
Associate professor at Oslo and Akershus University College/OsloMet from 2015.
I am a subject manager for the natural science and medical subjects in the bachelor's degree in nursing. Teaches anatomy, physiology and biochemistry as well as pathology and medical/surgical/geriatric diseases theory throughout all three years of study.
Hourly teacher on the health nurse education.
Supervise master's students in the subject of empowerment and health promotion work.

Research groups

Scientific publications

Finbråten, Hanne Søberg ; Guttersrud, Øystein; Foss, Camilla ; Pettersen, Kjell Sverre ; Tørris, Christine ; Meyer, Mona Elisabeth ; Halvorsrud, Hedvig ; Stensrud, Helge; Sandbekken, Ida Hellum ; Sæland, Mone Eli; Grønlien, Heidi Kristine (2023). Bruk av «concept cartoons» i kombinasjon med digitalt student-respons-system for å støtte læring i Anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi i sykepleierutdanningen - En undervisningsstrategi for å fremme studentaktiv læring. UNIPED. Vol. 46.

Meyer, Mona Elisabeth ; Sandbekken, Ida Hellum ; Tørris, Christine ; Halvorsrud, Hedvig ; Molin, Marianne (2023). Hva kjennetegner digitale seminargrupper som fungerer godt, og hva kjennetegner de som fungerer mindre godt?. UNIPED. Vol. 46.

Tørris, Christine ; Meyer, Mona Elisabeth ; Sandbekken, Ida Hellum ; Halvorsrud, Hedvig ; Molin, Marianne (2022). Nursing Students’ Perceived Learning Outcomes, Motivation to Learn and Grade Achieved in a Digital Blended Learning Course: A Norwegian Cross-Sectional Study. Education Sciences. Vol. 12.

Molin, Marianne ; Meyer, Mona Elisabeth ; Medin, Tirill (2021). Anatomy, physiology and biochemistry: nursing students’ perceptions of the learning outcome from a flipped classroom. Sykepleien Forskning. Vol. 15.

Molin, Marianne ; Meyer, Mona Elisabeth ; Medin, Tirill (2020). Anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi: sykepleier­studenters opplevde læringsutbytte ved omvendt undervisning. Sykepleien Forskning. Vol. 15(82467):(e-82467).

Meyer, Mona Elisabeth ; Haukland, Magne ; Glomsås, Heidi Snoen; Tveiten, Sidsel (2019). Studentassistenter bidro til læring i anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi. Sykepleien Forskning.

Meyer, Mona Elisabeth (2014). E-læring som pedagogisk virkemiddel for innlæring av anatomi, fysiologi og biokjemi i sykepleierutdanningen. UNIPED. Vol. 37.

Haukland, Magne ; Meyer, Mona Elisabeth ; Gjerlaug, Anne Karine; Tveiten, Sidsel (2014). Vennlig dulting? Empowerment i utvalgte helsepolitiske dokumenter. Tveiten, Sidsel; Boge, Knut (Ed.). Empowerment i helse, ledelse og pedagogikk - nye perspektiver. p. 37-60. Gyldendal Akademisk.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete