Norwegian version
Rune Halvorsen

Rune Halvorsen


Rune Halvorsen, PhD in sociology, is professor of social policy, co-director of CEDIC -Centre for the study of digitalization of public services and citizenship and co-director of The Norwegian Research School on Digitalisation, Culture and Society. 

His main interests are European and comparative welfare policy, social citizenship, EU social policy, and citizenship movements. Halvorsen’s central concern is to contribute new knowledge for the future social Europe. He has contributed to theorisation of changes in social citizenship, welfare governance and structure/agency dynamics in mature welfare states. Empirically his research has focused on labour market inclusion policies, disability policy, poverty, youth transitions, self-organisation and social mobilisation among marginalised population groups, and how the adoption of new ICT shape the opportunities for participation of persons with disabilities (eInclusion).

He has coordinated and participated in several cross-national and cross-disciplinary research projects funded by the EU (FP7 and Horizon 2020 collaborative projects, Marie Curie ITN and IF), the Nordic Council and the Research Council of Norway. In 2020-2023 he is the Scientific Coordinator of EUROSHIP - Closing gaps in social citizenship. New tools to foster social resilience in Europe. He is co-chair of the Nordic ESPAnet – Network for European Social Policy Analysis, and elected board members of Research Committee 19 Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy, ISA. 

He has also held research posts at Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Nantes and Paris and at the University of Leeds.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines


Subject areas

Welfare state   Disability   New Social Movements   The European Union   Health and welfare politics   Comparative studies of poverty   Active labour market program   Active Citizenship



Administrative field of work

Research ethics   Research communication   Research training   Research collaboration   International cooperation   Innovation   Public relations

Research projects

Scientific publications

Erikstad, Lars; Simensen, Trond; Bakkestuen, Vegar; Halvorsen, Rune (2023). Index Measuring Land Use Intensity—A Gradient‐Based Approach. Geomatics. Vol. 3.

O'Reilly, Jacqueline; Unt, Marge; Halvorsen, Rune ; Schoyen, Mi Ah ; Verdin, Rachel; Roosalu, Triin; Ibáñez, Zyab (2023). Locked in Transition: Youth Labor Markets during COVID-19 in the United Kingdom, Norway, Estonia, and Spain. Börner, Stefanie; Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin (Ed.). European Social Policy and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges to National Welfare and EU Policy. p. 131-164. Oxford University Press.

He, Biao ; Halvorsen, Rune (2021). DIGITAL INCLUSION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN CHINA UNDER COVID-19: HOW FAR HAS CHINA COME?. 22 p. Frontiers of Law in China. Vol. 16.

Halvorsen, Rune ; Hvinden, Bjørn; Schoyen, Mi Ah (2019). Hva skal til for å få flere unge funksjonshemmede i arbeid? Et systemperspektiv. Aamodt, Hilde Anette; Dahl, Espen; Gubrium, Erika; Haldar, Marit; Hermansen, Åsmund (Ed.). Sosialt arbeid og sosialpolitikk i samhandling. p. 246-266. Fagbokforlaget.

Scaratti, Chiara; Leonardi, Matilde; Silvaggi, Fabiola; Ávila, Carolina C.; Muñoz-Murillo, Amalia; Stavroussi, Panayiota; Roka, Olga; Burger, Helena; Fheodoroff, Klemens; Tobiasz-Adamczyk, Beata; Sabariego, Carla; Esteban, Eva; Gruber, Sonja; Svestkova, Olga; Halvorsen, Rune ; Kadyrbaeva, Asel; Ferraina, Sabrina (2018). Mapping European Welfare Models: State of the Art of Strategies for Professional Integration and Reintegration of Persons with Chronic Diseases. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). Vol. 15.

Halvorsen, Rune ; Hvinden, Bjørn (2018). Integrated discussion: Managing diversity among youth in Nordic social protection policies. Halvorsen, Rune; Hvinden, Bjørn (Ed.). Youth, Diversity and employment: Comparative perspectives on Labour Market Policies. p. 199-228. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Halvorsen, Rune ; Hvinden, Bjørn (2018). Youth. Diversity and employment in times of crisis and Economic restructuring - an introduction. Halvorsen, Rune; Hvinden, Bjørn (Ed.). Youth, Diversity and employment: Comparative perspectives on Labour Market Policies. p. 1-31. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Halvorsen, Rune ; Hvinden, Bjørn (2018). Youth, Diversity and employment: Comparative perspectives on Labour Market Policies. ISBN: 978-1-78347-599-5. 232 p. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Halvorsen, Rune ; Hvinden, Bjørn; Kuivalainen, Susan; Schoyen, Mi Ah (2018). A new approach to promoting youth inclusion in the labour market? Disability in the Nordic welfare states. Halvorsen, Rune; Hvinden, Bjørn (Ed.). Youth, Diversity and employment: Comparative perspectives on Labour Market Policies. p. 127-149. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Hvinden, Bjørn; Halvorsen, Rune (2018). Mediating Agency and Structure in Sociology: What Role for Conversion Factors?. 17 p. Critical Sociology. Vol. 44.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete