Norwegian version
Mikkel Wettre

Mikkel Wettre


Mikkel Wettre is an artist and Professor of visual arts. He has worked extensively with sculpture and public art both as a professional artist and as a consultant for public commissions. His artistic research is mainly focused on materiality and human-technology relations, which he investigates through a practical exploration of both artistic processes and artifacts. His pedagogical competence has strong support for experiential and problem-based learning covering both art- and design methodologies. Since 2019 he is also a professor of three-dimensional form at the institute of design at the University of Bergen. He is a member of the Norwegian National Arts Association (NBK) and National Sculptors´ Association (NBF).

Fields of study

Subject areas


Research projects

  • FeLT- Futures of Living Technologies

    From a perspective of ecological crisis, FeLT engages in the relations and intersections that occur between human beings, living environments and machines.

Scientific publications

Berg, Arild ; Rodrigues, Osmar Vicente; Haugen, Sigrid ; Puhkan, Urmas; Stoltenberg, Einar ; Wettre, Mikkel (2016). Material innovation: case studies of tangible working material in technology, art and design. Boks, Casparus Burghardus; Sigurjónsson, Jóhannes B.; Steinert, Martin; Vis, Anne Carlijn; Wulvik, Andreas (Ed.). Proceedings of NordDesign 2016. p. 278-287. The Design Society.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete