Einar has a background as an artisan and designer with a degree from KHIO. His design professional weight lies in design thinking, communication, product semantics, cultural understanding as well as production and material knowledge. He also has a strong focus on pedagogy, which is also reflected in his publications.
For several years he ran his own business and has done a number of assignments for, among others Østfold Fredrikstad Hospital, the Armed Forces, Hospice Lovisenberg, Levanger high school, Notodden hospital, Konows center, Diakonhjemmets Høgskole and a number of churches. He has participated in several exhibitions for example at Kunstnerforbundet, Nordenfjeldske kunstindustrimuseum, Expo Arte jewelery gallery, The Museum of Decorative Arts and Design and the goldsmiths’ associations traveling exhibition. Einar is concerned with the aesthetic and physical properties of materials in his work and works a lot with symbolism and product semantics. The projects are covering areas like commission work to jewelry, retail and interiors.
Educational quality, organization building, strategy and personnel policy have always been important to Einar, who has held several positions and sat on several committees. These include the Faculty Council at TKD, the Study Committee at both HIAK and HIOA, experts for NOKUT, safety representatives, AMU, UHR-Art, design and architecture, the board of the Blakerstiftelsen and the Nasjonalt fagorgan for design.
It is also important to mention that Einar has been a driving force for internationalization at the department. He has an extensive international network that is used in teaching and research. In addition to complete many stays as visiting lecturer at foreign institutions, he has been a key person in implementing international semesters.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Industrial and product design Architecture and design Theory of architecture and design Humanities
Subject areas
Semantics Design methologoly Emotional design
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Stoltenberg, Einar ; Firth, Richard; Taks, Michael (2017). Carousel: A study on collaboration within a small international design community of practice and its impact on delivering 'one week' exchange experiences. Berg, Arild; Bohemia, Erik; Buck, Lyndon; Gulden, Tore; Kovacevic, Ahmed; Pavel, Nenad (Ed.). Proceedings of E&PDE 2017 - International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. Building Community: Design Education for a Sustainable Future . p. 266-271. The Design Society.
Firth, Richard; Stoltenberg, Einar (2016). USING MOVING IMAGE TO FACILITATE STORYTELLING AS AN IDEATION METHODOLOGY AND A PLATFORM TO ENHANCE THE INTEGRATION OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENT COHORTS WITHIN PRODUCT DESIGN EDUCATION. Bohemia, Erik; Buck, Lyndon; Eriksen, Kaare; Kovacevic, Ahmed; Ovesen, Nis; Tollestrup, Christian (Ed.). Design Education: Collaboration and Cross-Disciplinarity. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Aalborg University, Denmark, 8th-9th September 2016. p. 362-367. The Design Society.
Firth, Richard;
Stoltenberg, Einar
; Jennings, Trent
Using an Outdoor Learning Space to Teach Sustainability and Material Processes in HE Product Design.
International Journal of Art & Design Education.
Vol. 35.
Berg, Arild ; Rodrigues, Osmar Vicente; Haugen, Sigrid ; Puhkan, Urmas; Stoltenberg, Einar ; Wettre, Mikkel (2016). Material innovation: case studies of tangible working material in technology, art and design. Boks, Casparus Burghardus; Sigurjónsson, Jóhannes B.; Steinert, Martin; Vis, Anne Carlijn; Wulvik, Andreas (Ed.). Proceedings of NordDesign 2016. p. 278-287. The Design Society.
Stoltenberg, Einar
Enhancing communication skills through student and enterprise interaction.
Bingham, Guy; Bohemia, Eric; Kovacevic, Ahmed; McCardle, John; Parkinson, Brian; Southee, Darren (Ed.).
Great expectations : design teaching, research & enterprise : proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Loughborough Design School, University of Loughborough, United Kingdom, 3rd-4th September 2015. p. 582-587.
The Design Society.
Stoltenberg, Einar
; Firth, Richard
Sand casting on the beach - Introducing traditional making skills, materials and process through play and experimentation.
Bingham, Guy; Bohemia, Eric; Kovacevic, Ahmed; McCardle, John; Parkinson, Brian; Southee, Darren (Ed.).
Great expectations : design teaching, research & enterprise : proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Loughborough Design School, University of Loughborough, United Kingdom, 3rd-4th September 2015. p. 344-350.
The Design Society.
Pavel, Nenad
Stoltenberg, Einar
Organizational identity construal through design process.
Bingham, Guy; Bohemia, Eric; Kovacevic, Ahmed; McCardle, John; Parkinson, Brian; Southee, Darren (Ed.).
Great expectations : design teaching, research & enterprise : proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, Loughborough Design School, University of Loughborough, United Kingdom, 3rd-4th September 2015. p. 266-271.
The Design Society.
Stoltenberg, Einar
Sjøvoll, Vibeke
Reflection in design education using visual technology.
Bohemia, Erik; Eger, Arthur; Eggink, Wouter; Kovacevic, Ahmed; Parkinson, Brian; Wits, Wessel (Ed.).
Design Education & Human Technology Relations. The 16th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education. p. 105-110.
The Design Society.
Berg, Arild ; Stoltenberg, Einar ; Reitan, Janne Beate (2014). Sustainable design technology: A case study of a master student's lamp project. Bohemia, Erik; Eger, Arthur; Eggink, Wouter; Kovacevic, Ahmed; Parkinson, Brian; Wits, Wessel (Ed.). Design Education & Human Technology Relations. The 16th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education. p. 632-637. The Design Society.
Stoltenberg, Einar
Berg, Arild
Designing burial monuments to increase emotional awareness in product design.
Bohemia, Erik; Ion, William; Kovacevic, Ahmed; Lawlor, John; McGrath, Mark; McMahon, Chris (Ed.).
Design Education - Growing Our Future. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. p. 704-709.
The Design Society.