English version
Anne Lund

Anne Lund

Kort om

Aktuelle fagområder i utdanning og forskning er aldring, helse, meningsfull aktivitet, ergoterapi, aktivitetsvitenskap, tverrfaglig samarbeid, brukerinvolvering, personer med hjerneslag/kognitiv svikt/demens, ansvarlig innovasjon og forskning, assisterende teknologier i helse og komplekse intervensjoner.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Johansen, Truls Sveløkken; Matre, Martin; Løvstad, Marianne; Lund, Anne ; Martinsen, Anne Catrine Trægde ; Olsen, Alexander; Becker, Frank; Brunborg, Cathrine; Ponsford, J.; Spikman, J.; Neumann, D.; Tornås, Sveinung (2024). Virtual reality as a method of cognitive training of processing speed, working memory, and sustained attention in persons with acquired brain injury: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. Vol. 25.

Holthe, Torhild ; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill ; Lund, Anne (2024). The perspectives of doing, being, belonging, becoming on older homecare recipients’ use and experiences with technologies in the Assisted Living Project in Norway. Journal of Occupational Science (JOS).

Bavngaard, Martin Vinther ; Lund, Anne ; Zouganeli, Evi ; Beganovic, Amila (2023). (PROTOCOL) Essential Cognitive Features for Assistive Robots to Support Older Adults Receiving Home Health Care. Open Science Framework (OSF).

Berg, Arild Skarsfjord ; Johansen, Safora ; Lund, Anne ; Riegler, Michael ; Andersen, Jorunn Marie (2023). A Salutogenic Approach for Collaboration in Health and Technology. Garg, Bishan Swarup (Red.). Health Promotion - Principles and Approaches. IntechOpen.

Slåtsveen, Ruth-Ellen ; Wibe, Torunn; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill ; Lund, Anne (2023). Interdisciplinary frontline teams in home-based healthcare services—paradoxes between organisational work structures and the trust model: a qualitative study. 11 s. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 23.

Bavngaard, Martin Vinther ; Lund, Anne ; Thordardottir, Björg Sigridur Anna ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve (2023). (PROTOCOL) The uses and experiences of communication technology for home-dwelling older adults in a homecare services context: a qualitative systematic review. PROSPERO International prospectie register of systematic reviews.

Bavngaard, Martin Vinther ; Lund, Anne ; Thordardottir, Björg Sigridur Anna ; Rasmussen, Erik Børve (2023). (PROTOCOL) The uses and experiences of communication technology for home-dwelling older adults in a homecare services context: a qualitative systematic review. PROSPERO International prospectie register of systematic reviews.

Holthe, Torhild ; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill ; Lund, Anne (2022). Digital assistive technology to support everyday living in community-dwelling older adults with mild cognitive impairment and dementia. Clinical Interventions in Aging. Vol. 17.

Stigen, Linda ; Björk, Evastina; Lund, Anne (2022). Occupational Therapy Interventions for Persons with Cognitive Impairments Living in the Community. 20 s. Occupational Therapy in Health Care.

Lund, Anne ; Sveen, Unni ; Asbjørnslett, Mona ; Raanaas, Ruth Kjærsti (2022). Livsfaser, overgange og brud i relation til aktivitet. Kristensen, Hanne Kae; Schou, Anne Sofie Bach; Mærsk, Jesper Larsen (Red.). Munksgaard Forlag.

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