Norwegian version
Åge Johnsen

Åge Johnsen


Åge Johnsen is Professor of Public Policy at the Department of Public Management, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. He has previously worked as Researcher at Agder Research in Kristiansand, Research Fellow at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen, Senior Research Fellow at The University of Edinburgh, and Associate Professor at Oslo University College. His research interests are public policy and public administration, in particular public management reforms, strategic planning, performance management (management by objectives and performance measurement, change management, trust-based management, and performance audit and evaluation in the public sector.

He currently lectures in the following courses:

BAL3000 Digital transformation, organisational change and change management
MSL4000 Governance – forms and reforms
MSLV4400 Strategy in the public sector

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Business   Public and private administration   Political science and organisational theory

Subject areas

Public administration   Evaluation   School management   Administration reforms   Leadership   Strategy   Management by objectives and result   Intergovernmental relations   Organizational theory   Public sector accounting   Control and audit   Municipal amalgamation   Contracting out   Public sector management control   Performance audit   Strategic leadership   Military Administration   Innovation in public management   Change management   Målstyring   Performance measurement   Trust-based management   Strategic planning

Research projects

Scientific publications

Johnsen, Åge ; Waters, Paul Brakstad (2024). Horizontal performance in the case of network governance: management by objectives and school performance. Grossi, Giuseppe; Vakkuri, Jarmo (Ed.). Handbook of Accounting and Public Governance: Exploring Hybridizations. p. 183-201. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Johnsen, Åge ; Solholm, Kerstin; Tufte, Per Arne (2024). Performance Measurement System Design as Link Between Strategy Formulation and Performance Information Use in Public Sector Organizations. Public Performance and Management Review.

Johnsen, Åge (2024). Trust-based management in the City of Oslo: implementing a new managerial super standard?. Lapsley, Irvine; Miller, Peter (Ed.). The Resilience of New Public Management. Oxford University Press.

Johnsen, Åge ; Helge, Svare (2024). Tillitsreformer og tillitsbasert styring og ledelse. ISBN: 978-82-450-4906-0. 280 p. Fagbokforlaget.

Svare, Helge ; Johnsen, Åge ; Wittrock, Christian (2023). Does trust-based management reform enhance employee-driven innovation? Evidence from a Scandinavian capital. Nordic Journal of Innovation in the Public Sector. Vol. 2.

Askim, Jostein; Johnsen, Åge (2023). Performance management and accountability: the role of intergovernmental information systems. Teles, Filipe (Ed.). Handbook on Local and Regional Governance. p. 437-452. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Johnsen, Åge ; Svare, Helge ; Wittrock, Christian (2022). Tillitsbasert styring og ledelse i offentlig sektor i Norge: Mye hørt men lite sett?. 28 p. Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift. Vol. 99.

Johnsen, Åge (2022). Strategic planning in turbulent times: Still useful?. Public Policy and Administration.

Johnsen, Åge ; Reid, Stephen Affleck (2021). Linking Strategic Planning and Performance Management in Government Agencies and Impacts on Organizational Performance. Holzer, Marc; Ballard, Andrew (Ed.). The Public Productivity and Performance Handbook. p. 150-179. Routledge.

Johnsen, Åge ; Abrahamsen, Ina Marie (2021). Endringsstrategier og forpliktelse til endring i offentlig sektor. Magma forskning og viten. Vol. 24.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete