Helge Svare has worked at AFI since 2006. Among his main research interests are gender equality, dialogue, trust, learning and collaboration in innovation networks. He also has a particular interest in employee-driven innovation within the Norwegian working life model, both in the private and public sector.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Public and private administration Social sciences
Subject areas
Innovation Innovation systems Dialogue Collaboration Dialogue Conferences Lærende organisasjoner Business Network Dialogical philosophy Dialogical practice
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
To support the European Commission in the development and implementation of the FOOD 2030 policy framework and its action plan, FIT4FOOD2030 aims to establish a sustainable multi-stakeholder, multi-level platform, mobilizing a wide variety of stakeholders at the level of cities, regions, countries, and Europe.
Improving trust-based management in Nordic urban governance and management education
This project explores how ongoing management reforms are conceptualised and put into practice in two Nordic cities.
Positive Environment in Public Participation and Engagement for Responsible Research and Innovation (PEPPER)
During his MSCA-fellowship project, Go Yoshizawa examines positive experiences of public engagement in top-down, expert-led public engagement or bottom-up, grassroots activities such as citizen science and open innovation.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Johnsen, Åge ; Svare, Helge ; Wittrock, Christian (2024). Virkninger av tillitsreformer. Johnsen, Åge; Svare, Helge (Ed.). Tillitsreformer og tillitsbasert styring og ledelse. Fagbokforlaget.
Johnsen, Åge ; Svare, Helge (2024). Tillitsreformene i de skandinaviske landene. Johnsen, Åge; Svare, Helge (Ed.). Tillitsreformer og tillitsbasert styring og ledelse. Fagbokforlaget.
Johnsen, Åge ; Svare, Helge (2024). Innledning: Styring, ledelse, kontroll og tillit. Johnsen, Åge; Svare, Helge (Ed.). Tillitsreformer og tillitsbasert styring og ledelse. Fagbokforlaget.
Svare, Helge ; Wittrock, Christian (2024). Opplevelsen av tillit og kontroll i Osloskolen. Johnsen, Åge; Svare, Helge (Ed.). Tillitsreformer og tillitsbasert styring og ledelse. Fagbokforlaget.
Svare, Helge (2024). Tillitsbasert styring og ledelse – hvordan gjør vi det?. Johnsen, Åge; Svare, Helge (Ed.). Tillitsreformer og tillitsbasert styring og ledelse. Fagbokforlaget.
Svare, Helge
Johnsen, Åge
Wittrock, Christian
Does trust-based management reform enhance employee-driven innovation? Evidence from a Scandinavian capital.
Nordic Journal of Innovation in the Public Sector.
Vol. 2.
Svare, Helge
; Gjefsen, Mads Dahl; Boer, Alanya; Kok, Kristiaan P. W.
Learning systems and learning paths in sustainability transitions.
Ecology & Society.
Vol. 28.
Johnsen, Åge
Svare, Helge
Wittrock, Christian
Tillitsbasert styring og ledelse i offentlig sektor i Norge: Mye hørt men lite sett?.
28 p.
Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift.
Vol. 99.
Svare, Helge
; Gausdal, Anne Haugen; Möllering, Guido
The function of ability, benevolence, and integrity-based trust in innovation networks.
20 p.
Industry and Innovation.
Underthun, Anders
Svare, Helge
; Gausdal, Anne Haugen
Nettverksorganisasjoners betydning for kunnskapstilgang og innovasjon.
Søkelys på arbeidslivet.
Vol. 35.