Hans Christoffer Aargaard Terjesen has spent recent years focusing on leadership and leadership development, workplace environment, conflict management, senior policy, and absenteeism. He is an experienced facilitator of dialogue workshops and a sought-after speaker. Previously, Terjesen has been a leadership columnist for Dagens Næringsliv, a committee leader at ISO, and a board member of the Center for Senior Policy (SSP).
In addition to his research expertise, Terjesen has extensive experience conducting workplace environment assessments in organizations and assisting in the development and implementation of action plans. He also aids organizations with conflict management and has successfully developed, led, and executed absenteeism and leadership development projects with documented positive outcomes.
In June 2024, Terjesen completed his Ph.D. in social work and social policy at OsloMet, with a dissertation titled; I get back with a little help from my boss: What constitutes successful and valued leadership, as well as failed leadership, during the return-to-work process following mild traumatic brain injury for highly autonomous employees? The dissertation explores how leadership affects the return-to-work process for individuals who have suffered mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and identifies the characteristics of both excellent and poor leadership in these processes.
In the fall of 2024, Terjesen was main teacher in Strategic Human Resource Management for the master's program in Master Programme in Business Administration, at Oslo Business School at OsloMet.
Terjesen holds a sociology degree from the University of Oslo and has been a researcher at the Work Research Institute (AFI) since 2008. Before this, he worked as a manager in a private healthcare company.
Fields of study
Subject areas
Management Conflict Resolution Sickness Absence Senior policy
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
The objective of the project is to increase the knowledge about the oldest workers and their experiences, as well as how companies handle work exit and the change in mandatory retirement age.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Spjelkavik, Øystein
Enehaug, Heidi
; Klethagen, Pål;
TERJESEN, Hans Christoffer Aargaard
; Howe, Emilie Isager; Fure, Silje Christine Reistad; Løvstad, Marianne; Andelic, Nada
Workplace accommodation in return to work after mild traumatic brain injury.
14 p.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation.
Vol. 74.
Solem, Per Erik
Salomon, Robert H
TERJESEN, Hans Christoffer Aargaard
Does a raised mandatory retirement age influence managers' attitudes to older workers?.
14 p.
Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research.
Vol. 5.
Frøyland, Kjetil
TERJESEN, Hans Christoffer Aargaard
Workplace perceptions of older workers and implications for job retention.
18 p.
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies.
Vol. 10.
TERJESEN, Hans Christoffer Aargaard (2018). Bevisstløs ledelse. Heen, Hanne; Salomon, Robert H (Ed.). Varme konflikter i arbeidslivet. Organisatoriske perspektiver og håndteringsmetoder. p. 184-211. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Howe, Emilie; Langlo, Knut-Petter;
TERJESEN, Hans Christoffer Aargaard
; Røe, Cecilie; Schanke, Anne-Kristine;
Søberg, Helene L.
Sveen, Unni
; Aas, Eline;
Enehaug, Heidi
Alves, Daniele Evelin
; Klethagen, Pål; Sagstad, Kjesti; Moen, Christine m; Torsteinsbrend, K; Linnestad, Anne-Margrethe; Nordenmark, Tonje Haug; Rismyhr, BS; Wangen, Grete; Lu, Juan; Ponsford, Jennie; Twamley, E; Ugelstad, Helene;
; Løvstad, Marianne; Andelic, Nada
Combined cognitive and vocational interventions after mild to moderate traumatic brain injury: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Vol. 18.
Terjesen, Hans Christoffer Aargaard ; Salomon, Robert H (2015). Langsiktig ledelse: Om bærekraftig aldring i arbeidslivet. ISBN: 978-82-02-42667-5. 225 p. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Kristiansen, Svein-Tore; TERJESEN, Hans Chr. Aa (2013). Industrielt demokrati og kunnskapsorganisering: Om betingelser for medarbeiderdrevet innovasjonsarbeid i produksjonsbedrifter. Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann; Pålshaugen, Øyvind (Ed.). Hva er Innovasjon? Perspektiver i norsk innovasjonsforskning. Bind 2: Organisasjon og medvirkning - En norsk modell?. p. 114-133. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
TERJESEN, Hans Chr. Aa (2010). Med en misjon i lasten: Når sårbarheten blir suksessens kriterium. Magma forskning og viten. Vol. 13.