Motivasjon Skoleledelse Kvantitativ metode Mestring Strukturelle likningsmodeller Pedagogisk psykologi Selvoppfatning Lærere
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Federici, Roger André ; Skaalvik, Einar Melgren (2022). Lærer–elev-relasjonen (2. utgave). Uthus, Marit (Red.). Elevenes psykiske helse i skolen. Utdanning til å mestre egne liv.. s. 185-199. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Høgheim, Sigve; Jenssen, Eirik S.;
Federici, Roger Andre
Do lectures matter? Exploring students’ situational interest in two learning arenas in teacher education.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
Helleve, Arnfinn; Midthassel, Unni Vere;
Federici, Roger Andre
Finding the Balance Between Collaboration and Autonomy Among School Nurses in Interactions With Schools.
10 s.
Journal of School Nursing.
Høgheim, Sigve;
Federici, Roger Andre
Interest in teacher education: exploring the relation between student teacher interest and ambitions in teacher education.
European Journal of Teacher Education.
Federici, Roger Andre
; Flatø, Martin; Bru, Lars Edvin; Midthassel, Unni Vere; Helleve, Arnfinn; Rønsen, Ester
Can school nurses improve the school environment in Norwegian primary schools? A protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
International Journal of Educational Research.
Vol. 96.
Skaalvik, Einar Melgren;
Federici, Roger Andre
; Wigfield, Allan; Tangen, Truls Nilsen
Students' Perceptions of Mathematics Classroom Goal Structures: Implications for Perceived Task Values and Study Behavior.
Social Psychology of Education.
Vol. 20.
Federici, Roger Andre ; Skaalvik, Einar Melgren (2017). Lærer–elev-relasjonen. Uthus, Marit (Red.). Elevenes psykiske helse i skolen. Utdanning til å mestre egne liv.. s. 186-203. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Moen, Frode;
Federici, Roger Andre
Can Athlete-Centered Coaching Stimulate Need Satisfaction and Prevent Athlete Burnout?.
International Journal of Sport Management.
Vol. 18.
Federici, Roger Andre
; Caspersen, Joakim; Wendelborg, Christian
Students’ perceptions of teacher support, numeracy, and assessment for learning: Relations with motivational responses and mastery experiences.
International Education Studies (IES).
Vol. 9.
Moen, Frode; Federici, Roger Andre ; Abrahamsen, Frank Eirik (2015). Examining possible relationships between self-determination and burnout among junior athletes in sport. 15 s. The International Journal of Coaching Science. Vol. 9.