Norwegian version
June Oline Kunnikoff

June Oline Kunnikoff


June Oline Kunnikoff is Chief Educational Officer at the Department of Art, Design and Drama and is responsible for practice and work life relevance in the study programs at the department. Her main areas of work include collaboration and quality development in studies related to practical training, work life, and partnerships with schools, companies, learning and dissemination arenas in the arts, design and cultural sector.

She has a background in art and design education and as a primary school teacher. She is particularly interested in change management and educational innovation aimed at professional education and professional competence. Her work in communication, teaching, supervision, and research, development, and innovation activities (RDI) involves labor market relevance and practical training in higher education, partnerships, suitability assessment, the teaching profession, teacher roles and competence, teacher education in practical and aesthetic subjects, didactics and subject didactics, learning design in teaching, classroom management, assessment for learning and the joy of learning, interdisciplinary learning, cooperative learning, inclusive didactics, and pedagogical entrepreneurship.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Education   Subject didactics

Subject areas

Didactics   Instructional planning   Collaborative learning   Community of practice   Education close to praxis   Classroom management   Working skills   Mentoring   Professional practice   Teacher professionalism   teacher's competency   Art and design education   Assessment for the desire to learn   Interdiciplinary learning   Instructional design

Administrative field of work

Conflict management   Practical training management   Quality of Education

Publications and research


Kunnikoff, June Oline ; Carlsen, Rikke Sund; Svanes, Leone Hjermundrud; Hetland, Karen Elisabeth Gjelsvik (2024). Praksis gir innsikt og erfaring.

Kunnikoff, June Oline (2024). Inkludering og språkbruk for et trygt læringsmiljø. Foreldremøte for 2. trinn. Sofiemyr skole, Redd Barna.

Kunnikoff, June Oline (2024). Tverrprofesjonelt praksisseminar i Søndre Nordstrand. Tverrprofesjonell praksis i bydel Søndre Nordstrand. OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet; Oslo kommune.

Kunnikoff, June Oline (2024). Konfransier KDA-konferansen 2024: Forme, designe og bygge - kunstig fremtid. Kunst, design og arkitektur-konferansen. OsloMet; Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge; Kunst og design i skolen..

Kunnikoff, June Oline (2024). Konfransier Kunst- og håndverkskonferansen 2024. Kunst- og håndverkskonferansen. Institutt for estetiske fag, OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet.

Kunnikoff, June Oline ; Ølander, Marita Solhjell (2024). Praksisveiledning ved tvil om skikkethet i lærerutdanningen. Workshop for praksislærere og ledere. Edvard Munch videregående skole, OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet.

Kunnikoff, June Oline (2023). Konfransier KDA-konferansen 2023: Inspirasjon, opplevelse og innlevelse. Kunst, design og arkitektur-konferansen. OsloMet; Universitet i Sørøst-Norge; Kunst og design i skolen.

Kunnikoff, June Oline ; Kringeland, Hilde Marian ; Øyan, Petter ; Maus, Ingvill Gjerdrum (2022). Styrker internasjonalt samarbeid i lærerutdanningen.

Kunnikoff, June Oline ; Røisland, Kari Anne; Dalen, Mathilde (2022). Lærerstudenter får tilbud om ny type praksisordning.

Kunnikoff, June Oline ; Hansen, Petter William ; Dalen, Victoria Skogsletten ; Kjellmark, Sigrun Tronshart; Fallet, Kristine; Fjeld, Bjørnhild (2022). Nytt studietilbud for deg som vil bli kunst- og håndverkslærer.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete