Mikko Laamanen is Head of Research and Research Professor with the Technology and Sustainability research group at Consumption Research Norway (SIFO). He received his PhD from Hanken School of Economics (Finland) and has held academic positions in Finland, France, Germany and United Kingdom.
His research programme is situated at the intersection of sociologies of consumption, organization and social movements. He is an expert in the everyday politics of technology, inclusion and social change. His current projects investigate
- the organising of local production and consumption practices in urban areas as well as developing and conflict economies
- the platformisation of sharing
- resistance to digitalisation and digital surveillance
- sustainable and responsible consumption and production of arts
Mikko has published in leading journals and edited volumes in marketing and management, organizational sociology, sociology of consumption, social movement and environmental studies. He is an editorial board member of Consumption and Society and Journal of Macromarketing.
Mikko is the co-coordinator of the European Sociological Association research network on the Sociology of Consumption (RN05). He is research fellow at the Sustainable Europe Research Institute SERI (Germany), the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society (Germany) and the Center for Organizational Research COR at the University of California, Irvine (USA).
Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Atanasova, Aleksandrina; Eckhardt, Giana M.;
Laamanen, Mikko
Platform cooperatives in the sharing economy: How market challengers bring change from the margins.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
Laamanen, Mikko
; Mikołajewska-Zając, Karolina
Ecologies of friction in digital platform investment.
18 p.
Information, Communication & Society.
Charitsis, Vassilis;
Laamanen, Mikko
When digital capitalism takes (on) the neighbourhood: Data activism meets place-based collective action.
Social Movement Studies.
Vol. 23.
Laamanen, Mikko
; Forno, Francesca; Wahlen, Stefan
Neo-materialist movement organisations and the matter of scale: Scaling through institutions as prefigurative politics?.
Journal of Marketing Management.
Vol. 39.
Laamanen, Mikko (2022). Organizing prefiguration. Monticelli, Lara (Ed.). The Future is Now. An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics . p. 191-203. Bristol University Press.
Forno, Francesca;
Laamanen, Mikko
; Wahlen, Stefan
(Un-) sustainable transformations: Everyday food practices in Italy during COVID-19.
Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy.
Vol. 18.
Gross, Nicole;
Laamanen, Mikko
‘Hey, you there! Marketing!’ On ideology and (mis)interpellation of the marketing educator as subject.
Journal of Marketing Management.
Vol. 38.
Laamanen, Mikko
; Moser, Christine; Bor, Sanne; den Hond, Frank
A partial organization approach to the dynamics of social order in social movement organizing.
Current Sociology.
Vol. 68.
Katila, Saija;
Laamanen, Mikko
; Laihonen, Maarit; Lund, Rebecca; Meriläinen, Susan; Rinkinen, Jenny; Tienari, Janne
Becoming academics: embracing and resisting changing writing practice.
Qualitative research in organization and management.
Laamanen, Mikko ; Bor, Sanne; den Hond, Frank (2019). The dilemma of organization in social movement initiatives. Ahrne, Göran; Brunsson, Nils (Ed.). Organization outside Organizations: The Abundance of Partial Organization in Social Life. p. 293-317. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108604994.014