Norwegian version

Research and development at the Faculty of social sciences

Research management

Vice dean for research and innovation

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Head of Section for research and development

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Featured research

The Norwegian press with cameras and microphones gathered around a politician, asking questions.
“Be Careful”: Norwegian journalists’ guiding principle

The Norwegian press’ code of journalistic ethics has guided them through #MeToo, the deluge of fake news, and many other upheavals.

Elderly woman sitting on a couch with an open laptop and a paper form in front of her while talking on the phone.
Norway leading in digitalization, but not everyone is benefitting

Digitizing government welfare services is supposed to help make services more accessible to everyone. Are they unintentionally leaving people behind?

Two people searching for something in a book at a library.
Making universal design truly universal

Examples of universal design are all around us but mostly focus on helping people with physical disabilities while designers often forget about accommodating cognitive disabilities.