Norwegian version


AI is a field in computer science that attempts to reproduce traits of human intelligence in machines. Nowadays it has a significant impact in almost all human activities. However, these achievements come with a price.

First, state-of-the-art algorithms in AI demand massive computing power and energy: to handle the ever-increasing Big Data repositories, AI systems must scale in proportion to all the available data. In other words, future AI must be sustainable.

Second, the long-term use of AI systems is also threatened by human factors, above all of them, lack of trust: even achieving super-human performance, AI models are often neglected by humans, due to their lack of transparency on how they generate their predictions. In other words, future AI must be trustworthy.

NordSTAR is a centre of research excellence that aims to establish a new paradigm in the research on sustainable and trustworthy artificial intelligence.

The centre is led by Pedro Lind and Anis Yazidi, and is part of the OsloMet AI Lab and Applied Artificial Intelligence

Watch this video for a full presentation of NordSTAR (

The main goal of NordSTAR is to develop AI tools, which embed all key aspects related with trustworthiness and sustainability. To do this the centre has established five research areas:

  • Security, safety and reliability

    This research area will address data security, humans physical safety, and reliability of the communication at the level of AI methods design. Chief Research Scientist Ahmed Elmokashfi started the research area on Security, safety and reliability, and lead the work in this area for a year. 

    Leader of the research area: 

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    Watch this video to learn more about Security, safety and reliability: 

  • Human factors in AI

    They will incorporate the fundamental legal and moral norms underlying social behavior and consider them in the design of Sustainable and Trustworthy AI tools. This research area was initiated by Marija Slavkovik from the University of Bergen (UiB). 

    Elena Parmiggiani from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU ( leads this research area. Watch this video to learn more about human factors in AI: 

  • Quantum AI

    The aim of this area is to bridge the gap between the growing number of theoretical suggestions on design and application of quantum AI and the present lack of quantitative practical results.

    Leader of the research area: 

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    Watch this video to learn more about quantum AI: 

  • Biologically-inspired computational systems

    They will incorporate fundamental aspects of natural intelligence in AI models, with the motivation of approaching the efficiency of biological neural systems.

    Leader of the research area:

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    Watch this video to learn more about biologically-inspired computational systems: 

  • Understandable and explainable models

    This research area is going to quantify the uncertainty in AI decisions and develop tools for better understanding of the different components of AI models and for explaining why specific AI decisions are obtained.

    Leader of the research area:

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    Watch this video to learn more about understandable and explainable models: 


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  • Members

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  • Alumni

    • Elena Parmiggiani, NTNU ( Leader of research area: Human factors in AI. 
    • Cassandra Grundstrom (, Associate Professor at the Department for Computer Science, NTNU. Part for the human factors research area in NordSTAR.
    • Ioannis Adamopoulos, master student at Applied Computer and Information Technology (ACIT)
    • Giorgia Nadizar, former Research Assistant in NordSTAR, currently PhD student at University of Trieste as part of the joint project BioSoftRob (
    • Sebastian Testaniére Overskott, masterstudent at Applied Computer and Information Technology (ACIT). 
    • Sushil Acharya was developing a tool to digitize 7000 ECGs stored in Ahus databases, for posterior analysis with AI tools.
    • Ramesh Upreti closed a survey on security protocols for computer networks.
    • Chief Research Scientist Ahmed Elmokashfi started the research area on Security, safety and reliability, and lead the work in this area for a year. 

Satellite groups

  • Oslo University Hospital

    Tor Paaske Utheim coordinates a NordSTAR satellite with the Department of opthalmology ( and the Department of medical biochemistry ( at Oslo University Hospital. 

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  • Akershus Clinical Research Center (ACR)

    Contact person: Helge Røsjø (

  • Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences at OsloMet

    At the Department of journalism and media studies, Roy Krøvel coordinates a NordSTAR satellite. Relevant research at the department is connected to illicit financial flows, digital security, fake news, social media, and more.

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  • Material Computing

    Kristine Heiney coordinates a NordSTAR satellite with a focus on material and unconventional computing. Research in this satellite is focused on the fundamental properties of physical systems, including biological, bio-inspired, and quantum systems, that allow them to be exploited for computation.

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  • AI in public administration and in organisations

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News from NordSTAR

Group picture taken outside BMW building in Münic.
Joining forces with BMW and Google

NordSTAR exchanges ideas about artificial intelligence and safety in cars with BMW and Google and lays the foundation for cooperation.

A young woman with a slightly puzzled expression points to a robotic arm controlled by artificial intelligence.
NordSTAR presented keynote on AI Trustworthiness

NordSTAR, recently took centre stage at the BMW Research Group Machine Learning and Big Data event, where they delivered an insightful keynote presentation on the quantitative assessment of AI trustworthiness.

The team that will organize the Nordic Quantum Life Science Round Table in Norway in 2024.
Nordic Quantum Life Science Round Table passing the Torch to Norway for 2024

The 2024 edition of The Nordic Quantum Life Science Round Table will be organized by NordSTAR, OsloMet Quantum Hub, OsloMet AI Lab, and Simula.

Image of dark and heavy clouds lying low over a mountain. Sun over forest and settlement below, but the clouds warn of a change in weather.
OsloMet will use artificial intelligence to warn of extreme climate.

NordSTAR at OsloMet will work on Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods for forecasting and monitoring extreme climate events in the DHEFEUS project.

Image of woman looking out over an urban area with mountains in the background. Clouds in the background and fjord below the mountain where the woman stands.
Large grant for research on autonomous searches

OsloMet researchers have received NOK 11.84 million for research into machine learning inspired by the eyes' search for visual information.

Gustavo Mello, leader of the AI Lab, talks to a crowd on the SKUP 2022 conference.
NordSTAR and the AI Lab discuss how AI can contribute to journalism

On Friday, the 1st of April, we organised a panel at the SKUP 2022 conference together with the Department of Journalism and Media Studies.