Norwegian version
Anne Siri Kvia

Anne Siri Kvia


RESEARCH INTERESTS I have a background as an RE teacher in school and am currently working on a PhD about reflexivity in RE didactics. For my doctoral project I use Design-based methodology to explore how to facilitate reflexivity with RE student teachers. PROJECTS I am part of RomForsk, located at Section for Religion, Worldviews and Ethics, GFU, OsloMet. We do classroom interventions using VR-pictures and -video to evaluate how these resourses can contribute to exloratory learning, to the pupil's abilities to take an other's perspektive and ethic buildung. BACKGROUND 2019- Assistant Professor, OsloMet 2006- Teacher in upper secondary school in Oslo 2005-2006 - Post Graduate Certificate in Education, UiO 2005 - Master in History of Religions, UiO

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Religious studies, history of religion

Research groups

Scientific publications

Kvia, Anne Siri ; Aukland, Knut (2024). What is reflexivity? A scoping review of reflexivity and related concepts in Religious Education. British Journal of Religious Education.

Aukland, Knut ; Andersland, Inge; Smith-Gahrsen, Martin; Lindhardt, Eva Mila; Kvia, Anne Siri ; Hansen, Simon Simchai (2023). VR in RE and moral education: report from a conference symposium at the NCRE 2022. Journal of Beliefs and Values.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete