Norwegian version
Knut Aukland

Knut Aukland


Knut Aukland teaches and does research within religion didactics and religion education in teacher education. His research portfolio also includes study of religion and Indian culture and history. Within religion education his research interests include educational design research, VR and 360degree images in education, teachers on Facebook, theory, religion and education in India. He has also done ethnographic research in India on hinduism, jainism, pilgrimage, and religion and science. Aukland has one MPhil from University of Oslo, one Masters from University of Oxford and a PhD from the University of Bergen.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Religious studies, history of religion   Other subjects within education

Research groups

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

  • Practical placement in the Global South

    The purpose of the project is to enhance practical placement in the Global South to achieve a more stable and permanently increased number of students, based on a more quality-assured collaboration with the Global South.

Scientific publications

Kvia, Anne Siri ; Aukland, Knut (2024). What is reflexivity? A scoping review of reflexivity and related concepts in Religious Education. British Journal of Religious Education.

Aukland, Knut (2024). A methodological turn in RE. British Journal of Religious Education.

Aukland, Knut ; Andersland, Inge; Smith-Gahrsen, Martin; Lindhardt, Eva Mila; Kvia, Anne Siri ; Hansen, Simon Simchai (2023). VR in RE and moral education: report from a conference symposium at the NCRE 2022. Journal of Beliefs and Values.

Hansen, Simon Simchai ; Aukland, Knut (2023). Å utvikle etisk kompetanse med 3H-modellen: En studie av et etikkdidaktisk undervisningsdesign med VR. Nordidactica.

Olkvam, Hannah Johnson; Aukland, Knut (2023). Er Jesus hvit? Fargeblindhet og antirasistisk religionsundervisning. Prismet.

Aukland, Knut (2022). Kunnskapsproblemet og utforsking med ulike metoder: Å lære om vis-a-vis å lære hvordan. Prismet. Vol. 73.

Aukland, Knut (2021). Å lære hvordan: Forslag til et nytt mål utover å lære om og av religion. Nordidactica. Vol. 11.

Aukland, Knut (2021). Bridging the research–practice gap on Facebook: a study of online communication between RE teachers and researchers. British Journal of Religious Education.

Aukland, Knut ; Tandberg, Håkon Naasen (2020). Lærergrupper på Facebook II: RLE-lærergruppa og andre møteplasser. Prismet. Vol. 71.

Tandberg, Håkon Naasen; Aukland, Knut (2020). Lærergrupper på Facebook I: RLE-lærergruppa og religionslærerens profesjonsfaglige utvikling. Prismet. Vol. 71.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete