English version
Harald Throne-Holst

Harald Throne-Holst

Kort om

Jeg har en master i Uorganisk kjemi fra NTH (1994), og en doktorgrad i "Governance studies" fra Universitetet i Twente, Nederland (2012). Mine fagfelt er samspillet mellom ny teknologi og samfunn - spesielt ansvarlig forskning og innovasjon (RRI); Forbrukernes (tildelte) rolle i det grønne skiftet;  Energi i husholdningene (bruk, sparing, forståelser og produksjon) og Bærekraftig forbruk.



Nanoteknologi   Sosiologi


Teknologi og samfunn   Bærekraftig forbruk   Tverrfaglighet   Bærekraftighet   Ansvarlig teknologiutvikling   Nye teknologier



Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Borch, Anita ; Throne-Holst, Harald (2021). Does Proof of Concept Trump All? RRI Dilemmas in Research Practices. Science and Engineering Ethics. Vol. 27.

Laitala, Kirsi ; Klepp, Ingun Grimstad ; Haugrønning, Vilde ; Throne-Holst, Harald ; Strandbakken, Pål (2020). Increasing repair of household appliances, mobile phones and clothing: Experiences from consumers and the repair industry. Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 282.

Heidenstrøm, Nina ; Throne-Holst, Harald (2020). “Someone will take care of it”. Households' understanding of their responsibility to prepare for and cope with electricity and ICT infrastructure breakdowns. 11 s. Energy Policy. Vol. 2020.

Myhr, Anders; Røyne, Frida; Brandtsegg, Andreas Saur; Bjerkseter, Catho; Throne-Holst, Harald ; Borch, Anita ; Wentzel, Alexander; Røyne, Anja (2019). Towards a low CO2 emission building material employing bacterial metabolism (2/2): Prospects for global warming potential reduction in the concrete industry. 26 s. PLOS ONE. Vol. 14.

Røyne, Anja; Phua, Yi Jing; Le, Simone Balzer; Eikjeland, Ina Grosås; Josefsen, Kjell Domaas; Markussen, Sidsel; Myhr, Anders; Throne-Holst, Harald ; Sikorski, Pawel; Wentzel, Alexander (2019). Towards a low CO2 emission building material employing bacterial metabolism (1/2): The bacterial system and prototype production. 24 s. PLOS ONE. Vol. 14.

Fossum, Selamawit Molla; Barkved, Line; Throne-Holst, Harald (2019). Practicing responsible research and innovation in a crowdsourcing project in Norway. 28 s. The ORBIT Journal. Vol. 2.

Laitala, Kirsi ; Klepp, Ingun Grimstad ; Haugrønning, Vilde Anine Rydal ; Throne-Holst, Harald ; Strandbakken, Pål (2019). Is It Worth It? Repair of Household Appliance, Mobile Phones and Clothing. Segalàs, Jordi; Lazzarini, Boris (Red.). Proceedings of the 19th European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production Circular Europe for Sustainability: Design, Production and Consumption . s. 1003-1016. Institute for Sustainability Science and Technology, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (ISST-UPC).

Tangeland, Torvald ; Heidenstrøm, Nina Vatvedt ; Throne-Holst, Harald (2016). Teknologioptimisme – en behagelig hindring for bærekraftig forbruksutvikling?. Vittersø, Gunnar; Borch, Anita; Laitala, Kirsi Maria; Strandbakken, Pål (Red.). Forbruk og det grønne skiftet. s. 55-75. Novus Forlag.

Heidenstrøm, Nina Vatvedt ; Vittersø, Gunnar ; Throne-Holst, Harald (2015). Understanding consumption as social practice in enviromental policy. Strandbakken, Pål; Gronow, Jukka (Red.). The consumer in society : A tribute to Eivind Stø. s. 59-84. Abstrakt forlag.

Throne-Holst, Harald ; Strandbakken, Pål (2013). Standardisation as a Form of Deliberation. Strandbakken, Pål; Scholl, Gerd; Stø, Eivind (Red.). Consumers and nanotechnology: Delibarative processes and methodologies. s. 186-200. Jenny Stanford Publishing.

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