Norwegian version

Research and development

The Faculty of Technology, Art and Design (TKD) carries out research and development activities within technology, engineering, art and design.

Priority areas with their own web page

Research facilities

R&DI strategy at TKD

R&D management

R&D administration

  • The R&D-section at the Faculty

    The R&D-section assists and advices  researchers,  research groups and the faculty management on research funding, research ethics and personal data protection, publications, dissemination etc.  

    The R&D-section has administrative responsibility for the Faculty's PhD-programme in Engineering Science.

    Contact persons in the R&D-section

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    Head of Section

    • Research ethics
    • Contact for the Department of Product Design (PD)
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    Senior Adviser

    • Innovation
    • DOFI
    • R&D Commitee
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    Senior Adviser

    • Research grant support
    • Responsible Research and innovation (RRI)
    • External networks and partnership
    • Innovation
    • Intellectual property rights (IPR)
    • Contact for Department of Computer Science (IT)
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    Senior Adviser

    • Privacy, personal data protection contact for R&D
    • Data management plans 
    • Research ethics
    • Secretary for the local R&D committee
    • Contact for Department of Art, Design and Drama (EST)
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    Senior Adviser

    • Equals EU
    • Cristin (super user)
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    • Application support and project follow-up
    • Project registration; the research database and P360 
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    Senior Adviser

    • Application support for external funding for collaborative projects
    • Regional, national and international projects
    • Contact with business and the public sector for partnerships
    • Project support; start-up, implementation and closure
    • Contracts and agreements
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    PhD Senior Adviser

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    PhD Senior Adviser

  • Dissemination of research

    The Faculty's Communications Advisers are happy to help with dissemination of research.

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It takes courage to create

Resistance and obstacles are needed to unlock creativity, according to Arild Berg, artist and professor at OsloMet.

Girl doing crafts in a classroom
Space Syntax has Come of Age: A comprehensive review of literature from 1976 to 2023

The annual scientific output has grown, has spread to many countries, and contains progress in both theory and applications. The field has become important in urban planning and urban design.

From Aker brygge in Oslo. It's sunny and people are out walking on the pavement. Buildings on the right and the quay on the left.
How artificial intelligence can help the visually impaired

Traditional navigation tools for the visually impaired are often impractical and require extensive training. Yet rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and the increasing computational capabilities of smartphones are opening new doors to enhance navigation assistance.

Shows the legs and white cane of a blind person walking on a gray paved sidewalk. Next to him, a person walks with him.
Fear of failure hinders creativity

“Making mistakes helps us learn and improve, and it is by making mistakes that we discover new ideas,” says OsloMet professor Ingeborg Stana.

Student drawing with pencil on a pencil portrait of a woman.