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Sveinung Legard

Sveinung Legard

Kort om

Sveinung Legards forskning handler om makt, deltakelse og demokrati. Han har skrevet doktoravhandling og vært postdoktor på prosjekter om innbyggermedvirkning i lokaldemokratiet i Brasil, Norge, Spania og Australia. I tillegg har han lang erfaring med oppdragsforskning og evaluering av diverse tiltak og organisasjonsendringer i kommunal og statlig sektor, og i det private næringsliv, i Norge siden 2008. Han benytter både kvalitative og kvantitative metoder, og har case-studier som spesialitet.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Hovik, Sissel ; Legard, Sveinung ; Bertelsen, Inger Miriam (2023). Area-based initiatives and urban democracy. 8 s. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning. Vol. 144.

Legard, Sveinung ; McShane, Ian; José Manuel, Ruano (2022). What explains the degree of e-participation? A comparison of the adoption of digital participation platforms in Oslo, Melbourne and Madrid. 16 s. Information Polity. Vol. 28.

Hovik, Sissel ; Legard, Sveinung ; McShane, Ian; Middha, Bhavna; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Kristin ; Ruano de la Fuente, José Manuel (2022). Participation and influence in urban development: Does city e-participation strategy matter?. Hovik, Sissel; Giannoumis, G. Anthony; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Kristin; Ruano de la Fuente, José Manuel; McShane, Ian; Legard, Sveinung (Red.). Citizen participation in the information society. Comparing modes and blends of participatory channels in urban development. Palgrave Macmillan.

Legard, Sveinung (2022). Displacement and citizen participation: A comparison of the enactment of e-participation platforms in Oslo and Madrid. Hovik, Sissel; Giannoumis, G. Anthony; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Kristin; Ruano de la Fuente, José Manuel; McShane, Ian; Legard, Sveinung (Red.). Citizen participation in the information society. Comparing modes and blends of participatory channels in urban development. Palgrave Macmillan.

Legard, Sveinung (2022). Controlled and responsive interactivity: what politicians and bureaucrats in Oslo say about their social media use, and what this might mean for democracy. Hovik, Sissel; Giannoumis, G. Anthony; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Kristin; Ruano de la Fuente, José Manuel; McShane, Ian; Legard, Sveinung (Red.). Citizen participation in the information society. Comparing modes and blends of participatory channels in urban development. Palgrave Macmillan.

Hovik, Sissel ; Giannoumis, G. Anthony; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Kristin ; Ruano de la Fuente, José Manuel; McShane, Ian; Legard, Sveinung (2022). Citizen participation in the information society. Comparing modes and blends of participatory channels in urban development. ISBN: 9783030999391. Palgrave Macmillan.

Legard, Sveinung ; Hovik, Sissel (2022). The impact of digital participation on democratic urban governance. Hovik, Sissel; Giannoumis, G. Anthony; Reichborn-Kjennerud, Kristin; Ruano de la Fuente, José Manuel; McShane, Ian; Legard, Sveinung (Red.). Citizen participation in the information society. Comparing modes and blends of participatory channels in urban development. Palgrave Macmillan.

Legard, Sveinung ; Goldfrank, Benjamin (2021). The Systemic Turn and Participatory Budgeting: The Case of Rio Grande do sul. 26 s. Journal of Latin American Studies. Vol. 53.

Legard, Sveinung (2018). Translation and Institutional Change: What Happened when Participatory Budgeting Came to the Nordic Countries?. Engelstad, Fredrik; Holst, Cathrine; Aakvaag, Gunnar C. (Red.). Democratic State and Democratic Society. De Gruyter Open.

Legard, Sveinung ; Halrynjo, Sigtona; Floer, Kristin Elisabeth (2016). Is transition support a hurdle to getting a job?. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. Vol. 18.

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