I am a trained specialist nurse (pediatric nursing) with many years of experience in nursing care for children at Oslo University Hospital. I have a bachelors degree in sociology from UiO, as well as a masters degree and a doctorate from the Center for the Study of Professions (SPS), OsloMet. My research interests are centered around (inter-)professional interaction, educational and professional leadership, nursing education, as well as topics related to children in hospital (i.e. pain assessment and treatment).
I administer and teach several courses in, among other things, knowledge-based practice, scientific theory and method, research ethics, as well as the bachelors thesis in nursing. I have broad experience from supervising students in practice in primary and specialist healthcare, both at Bachelor level and masters level in childrens nursing. I supervise students in several masters programs and am co-supervisor for a PhD-student in pediatric nursing.
In addition to my position as associate professor here at OsloMet, I am a senior researcher (10%) at the Department of Childrens Surgery at Oslo University Hospital, associated with InteRSurg, an interdisciplinary research group established in 2021. I was research group leader for InteRSurg from its establishment until the end of 2023.
From January 2024, I lead the research group Learning and Collaboration at the Department of Nursing and Health Promotion, OsloMet.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Sociology Nursing science Subject didactics Health service and health administration research Social sciences
Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Nygaard-Andersen, Beate ; Torbjørnsen, Astrid ; Hougaard, Peter Forde ; Leonardsen, Ann-Chatrin Linqvist; Wolf, Axel ; Finderup, Jeanette (2025). Home-based dialysis and person-centered care: a scoping review. Nephron.
Hougaard, Peter Forde
Smeland, Anja Hetland
Barriers to Pediatric Postoperative Pain Management—Interprofessional Focus Group Interviews.
Pain Management Nursing.
Østberg, Marthe Karolina;
Hougaard, Peter Forde
Kynø, Nina M
Svendsen, Edel Jannecke
The use and prevention of procedural restraint in children – A scoping review.
Journal of Pediatric Nursing : Nursing Care of Children and Families.
Hougaard, Peter Forde
Øygarden, Anne-Martha Utne
Marchen, Roger Arnold
Hansen, Sylvia
Ulfsby, Kirsten Jacobsen
Vi trodde det skulle bli gull. En kritisk vurdering av det pedagogiske designet i et mindre vellykket undervisningsopplegg.
Knutstad, Unni; Larsen, Kristian; Jensen, Kari Toverud (Ed.).
Fagdidaktiske temaer i helsefagene. p. 125-149.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Hougaard, Peter Forde
Tørris, Christine
Erichsen, Torunn
Høium, Kari
Ulfsby, Kirsten Jacobsen
; Jensen, Trude Løkhaug;
Opheim, Helene Margrethe Storebø
Teknologi og aktivisering i læringsfellesskap.
Knutstad, Unni; Larsen, Kristian; Jensen, Kari Toverud (Ed.).
Fagdidaktiske temaer i helsefagene. p. 91-123.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Rivenes Lafontan, Sara
Hougaard, Peter Forde
Knutstad, Unni
Jensen, Kari Toverud
Jerpseth, Heidi
Caught in the Middle—Experiences of Student Peer Mentors in Nursing Education: A Qualitative Study.
11 p.
Education Sciences.
Vol. 13.
Jensen, Kari Toverud
Hougaard, Peter Forde
Knutstad, Unni
Nursing leaders' perspectives on research in specialist health services: A descriptive study.
Nursing Open.
Zlatanovic, Tatjana;
Mausethagen, Sølvi
Leseth, Anne
Hougaard, Peter Forde
The role of nurse teachers’ academic competencies; A research review.
15 p.
Nordisk sygeplejeforskning.
Vol. 8.