Norwegian version
Berit Taraldsen Valeberg

Berit Taraldsen Valeberg

Research projects

Scientific publications

Vikan, Magnhild ; Deilkås, Ellen Catharina Tveter; Valeberg, Berit Taraldsen ; Bjørnnes, Ann Kristin ; Husby, Vigdis Kvitland Schnell; Haugen, Arvid Steinar ; Danielsen, Stein Ove (2024). The anatomy of safe surgical teams: an interview-based qualitative study among members of surgical teams at tertiary referral hospitals in Norway. Patient Safety in Surgery. Vol. 18.

Leonardsen, Ann-Chatrin Linqvist; Flynn, Fiona M.; Bruun, Anne Marie Gran; Valeberg, Berit Taraldsen (2023). Fagutviklingssykepleiere og lederes erfaringer med anestesisykepleiere med mastergrad- en tverrsnittstudie i Norge. 10 p. Nordisk sygeplejeforskning. Vol. 13.

Valeberg, Berit Taraldsen ; Meland-Tangen, Lindis ; Sollie, Anne-Line Kjos ; Borgersen, Silje Kristine; Heimburg, Lars von ; Leegaard, Marit; Eide, Cecilie Kristin (2023). ‘Both assistant and specialist’: Nurse Anaesthetists' experiences of being relocated during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study. 9 p. Nursing Open. Vol. 11.

Gjøvikli, Kristin; Valeberg, Berit Taraldsen (2023). Closed-loop communication in interprofessional emergency teams: A cross-sectional observation study on the use of closed-loop communication among anesthesia personnel. Journal of patient safety. Vol. 19.

Bjerkvik, Liv Karin ; Valeberg, Berit Taraldsen (2023). Tilfredshet og fremtidsplaner blant nyutdannede sykepleiere ett år etter endt utdanning. Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning. Vol. 19.

Vikan, Magnhild ; Haugen, Arvid Steinar ; Bjørnnes, Ann Kristin ; Valeberg, Berit Taraldsen ; Deilkås, Ellen Catharina Tveter; Danielsen, Stein Ove (2023). The association between patient safety culture and adverse events - a scoping review. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 23.

Flynn, Fiona M.; Bing-Jonsson, Pia Cecilie; Falk, Ragnhild Sørum; Tønnessen, Siri; Valeberg, Berit Taraldsen (2022). Educating for excellence: A cohort study on assessing student nurse anesthetists non-technical skills in clinical practice. AANA journal. Vol. 90.

Bjerkvik, Liv Karin ; Tschudi-Madsen, Christine ; Valeberg, Berit Taraldsen (2022). Nyutdannet sykepleier,-forventninger og utfordringer i møte med yrkesrollen. Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning. Vol. 18.

Flynn, Fiona M.; Valeberg, Berit Taraldsen ; Bing-Jonsson, Pia Cecilie; Lyberg, Anne Marit; Tønnessen, Siri (2022). Experiences using an instrument for non-technical skills in nurse anaesthesia education: a focus group study. BMC Medical Education. Vol. 22.

Leonardsen, Ann-Chatrin Linqvist; Bruun, Anne Marie Gran; Valeberg, Berit Taraldsen (2022). Anaesthesia personnels’ perspectives on digital anaesthesia information management systems – a qualitative study. 9 p. BMC Nursing. Vol. 21.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete