English version
Siri Yde Aksnes

Siri Yde Aksnes





Sosialpolitikk   Institusjonell etnografi   Arbeidsinkludering   Hjemmekontor


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Aksnes, Siri Yde ; Ulstein, Julie (2024). Sustainable Employment for People with Disabilities: A Scoping Review on Workplace Practices and Positive Employment Outcomes. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. Vol. 26.

Nilsen, Wendy ; Nordberg, Tanja Haraldsdottir ; Drange, Ida ; Junker, Nina Maureen; Aksnes, Siri Yde ; Cooklin, Amanda; Cho, Eunae; Habib, Laurence ; Hokke, Stacey; Olson-Buchanan, Julie B.; Bernstrøm, Vilde Hoff (2024). Boundary-crossing ICT use – A scoping review of the current literature and a road map for future research. Computers in Human Behavior Report. Vol. 15.

Aksnes, Siri Yde (2023). Samarbeid om arbeidsinkludering: Er Lipskys perspektiver fortsatt relevante?. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. Vol. 26.

Aksnes, Siri Yde ; Underthun, Anders ; Hansen, Per Bonde (2023). Constructing New Organizational Identities in a Post-pandemic Return: Managerial Dilemmas in Balancing the Spatial Redesign of Telework with Workplace Dynamics and the External Imperative for Flexibility. Bergum, Svein; Peters, Pascale; Vold, Aud Tone (Red.). Virtual Management and the New Normal: New Perspectives on HRM and Leadership since the COVID-19 Pandemic. s. 59-78. Palgrave Macmillan.

Aksnes, Siri Yde ; Breit, Eric Martin Alexander (2022). Integrerte tjenester med sosiale entreprenører? Erfaringer fra samarbeid mellom sosiale entreprenører og Nav. Saltkjel, Therese; Rønningstad, Chris Andre; Sønderskov, Mette (Red.). Samhandling og inkludering i arbeidslivet . s. 266-288. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Aksnes, Siri Yde ; Olsvold, Nina (2019). Collaboration and trust: expanding the concept of ruling relations. Lund, Rebecca Waters Bolden; Nilsen, Ann Christin Eklund (Red.). Institutional Ethnography in the Nordic Region. s. 138-150. Routledge.

Aksnes, Siri Yde (2019). Engaging employers in vocational rehabilitation: Understanding the new significance of knowledge brokers. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. Vol. 50.

Aksnes, Siri Yde (2017). Rethinking vocational rehabilitation through institutional ethnography. Journal of Comparative Social Work. Vol. 12.

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