English version
Gun Roos

Gun Roos

Kort om

Gun Roos er ernæringsantropolog og har vært ansatt som forsker II ved SIFO siden 1999. Hun tok sin doktorgrad (Ph.D.) i 1995 ved University of Kentucky om barns matkultur. Hun er spesielt interessert i tverrvitenskapelig forskning med fokus på sosiale og kulturelle aspekter ved mat og helse-relatert livsstil og hvordan ulike grupper oppfatter og forbruker mat i sin hverdag. Hun har forsket og publisert på tema knyttet til blant annet mat og sosial ulikhet, kjønn, barn, migrasjon, matmerking, ernæringspolitikk, og norsk mat.



Ernæring   Sosialantropologi


Sosial ulikhet   Ernæringsantropologi   Matforbruk   Kjønn og mat   Ernæringspolitikk


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Sawyer, Alexia D. M.; van Lenthe, Frank; Kamphuis, Carlijn; Bengoechea, Enrique Garcia; Luszczynska, Aleksandra; Terragni, Laura ; Volf, Kevin; Roos, Gun ; Woods, Catherine; Forberger, Sarah; Scheidmeir, Marie; Langøien, Lars Jørun; Neumann-Podczaska, Agnieszka; Wieczorowska-Tobis, Katarzyna; Stronks, Karien (2024). Hypothetical mechanisms driving physical activity levels in ethnic minority groups living in Europe: a systematically identified evidence-based conceptual systems model. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Vol. 21.

Torheim, Liv Elin ; Løvhaug, Anne Lene ; Huseby, Camilla Sanne; Henjum, Sigrun ; Terragni, Laura ; Poelman, Maartje; Harrington, Janas M.; Vandevijvere, Stefanie; Roos, Gun (2023). Evaluation and prioritization of food environment policies in Norway using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI). Food & Nutrition Research (FNR). Vol. 67.

Amilien, Virginie ; Discetti, Roberta; Lecoeur, Jean-Loup; Roos, Gun ; Tocco, Barbara; Gorton, Matthew; Biasini, Beatrice; Menozzi, Davide; Duboys de Labarre, Matthieu; Filipović, Jelena; Meyer, Kathrin Barbara; Török, Áron; Veljković, Saša; Wavresky, Pierre; Haugrønning, Vilde ; Csillag, Péter; Simons, Johannes; Ognjanov, Galjina (2022). European food quality schemes in everyday food consumption: An exploration of sayings and doings through pragmatic regimes of engagement. 13 s. Journal of Rural Studies. Vol. 95.

Roos, Gun (2022). "Heavy food" and "being in nature": revisiting male manual workers' narratives of food, work and health. Fournier, Tristan; Delgalarrondo, Sebastien (Red.). Rewilding food and the self: critical conversations from Europoe. s. 161-166. Routledge.

Ahrens, Wolfgang; Brenner, Hermann; Flechtner-Mors, Marion; Harrington, Janas M.; Hebestreit, Antje; Kamphuis, Carlijn B.M.; Kelly, Liam; Laxy, Michael; Luszczynska, Aleksandra; Mazzocchi, Mario; Murrin, Celine M.; Poelman, Maartje; Steenhuis, Ingrid; Roos, Gun ; Steinacker, Juergen M.; van Lenthe, Frank; Zeeb, Hajo; Zukowska, Joanna; Lakerveld, Jeroen; Woods, Catherine (2022). Dietary behaviour and physical activity policies in Europe: learnings from the Policy Evaluation Network (PEN). European Journal of Public Health. Vol. 32.

Djojosoeparto, Sanne K.; Kamphuis, Carlijn B.M.; Harrington, Janas M.; Løvhaug, Anne Lene ; Roos, Gun ; Sawyer, Alexia; Stronks, Karien; Terragni, Laura ; Torheim, Liv Elin ; Vandevijvere, Stefanie; Poelman, Maartje; van Lenthe, Frank J. (2022). How theory can help to understand the potential impact of food environment policies on socioeconomic inequalities in diet: an application of Bourdieu's capital theory and the scarcity theory. European Journal of Public Health. Vol. 32.

Pineda, Elisa; Poelman, Maartje; Aaspõllu, Anu; Bica, Margarida; Bouzas, Cristina; Carrano, Elena; De Miguel-Etayo, Pilar; Djojosoeparto, Sanne; Gabrijelčič Blenkuš, Mojca; Graca, Pedro; Geffert, Karin; Hebestreit, Antje; Helldán, Anni; Henjum, Sigrun ; Huseby, Camilla Sanne; Gregorio, Maria Joao; Kamphuis, Carlijn B.M.; Laatikainen, Tiina; Løvhaug, Anne Lene ; Leydon, Clarissa; Luszczynska, Aleksandra; Mäki, Päivi; Martinez, J. Alfredo; Raulio, Susanna; Romaniuk, Piotr; Roos, Gun ; Salvador, Clara; Sassi, Franco; Silano, Marco; Sotlar, Ingrid; Specchia, Maria Lucia; de Arriaga, Miguel Telo; Terragni, Laura ; Torheim, Liv Elin ; Tur, Joseph A.; von Philipsborn, Peter; Harrington, Janas M.; Vandevijvere, Stefanie (2022). Policy implementation and priorities to create healthy food environments using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI): A pooled level analysis across eleven European countries. 24 s. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe. Vol. 23.

Løvhaug, Anne Lene ; Granheim, Sabrina Ionata De Oliveira; Djojosoeparto, Sanne K.; Harrington, Janas M.; Kamphuis, Carlijn B.M.; Poelman, Maartje; Roos, Gun ; Sawyer, Alexia; Stronks, Karien; Torheim, Liv Elin ; Twohig, Cliona; Vandevijvere, Stefanie; van Lenthe, Frank J; Terragni, Laura (2022). The potential of food environment policies to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in diets and to improve healthy diets among lower socioeconomic groups: an umbrella review. BMC Public Health.

Sawyer, Alexia; Lenthe, Frank van; Kamphuis, Carlijn B.M.; Terragni, Laura ; Roos, Gun ; Poelman, Maartje; Nicolaou, Mary; Waterlander, Wilma; Djojosoeparto, Sanne K.; Scheidmeir, Marie; Neumann-Podczaska, Agnieszka; Stronks, Karien (2021). Dynamics of the complex food environment underlying dietary intake in low-income groups: a systems map of associations extracted from a systematic umbrella literature review. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Vol. 18.

Lakerveld, Jeroen; Woods, Catherine; Heberstreit, Antje; Brenner, Hermann; Flechtner-Mors, Marion; Harrington, Janas M.; Kamphuis, Carlijn B.M.; Laxy, Michael; Luszczynska, Aleksandra; Mazzocchi, Mario; Murrin, Celine M.; Poelman, Maartje; Steenhuis, Ingrid HM; Roos, Gun ; Steinacker, Jurgen; Stock, Christian; Lenthe, Frank van; Zeeb, Hajo; Zukowska, Joanna; Ahrens, Wolfgang (2020). Advancing the evidence base for public policies impacting on dietary behaviour, physical activity and sedentary behaviour in Europe: The Policy Evaluation Network promoting a multidisciplinary approach. Food Policy.

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